Reports on Plant Diseases |
RPD No. 906
- Blossom-End Rot of Tomato
October 1999
[ Symptoms
] [ Table 1 ] [ Control ]
Blossom-end rot is a noninfectious disease
or disorder of tomato (and pepper) fruits caused by low levels of calcium
in fruit. The disease occurs to some extent wherever tomatoes are grown.
Losses of fruit vary from a tracer up to 70 percent, depending on the
year, variety, method of culture, weather, and location. Few to many fruit
on each plant may be affected. Blossom-end rot occurs frequently where
large fluctuations in soil moisture are allowed to occur. It is usually
more serious
on plants that are pruned and staked than on other plants.
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The first external symptom is a small, somewhat watersoaked
spot at or near the blossom end of the fruit. It occurs most often on
fruit one-third to two-thirds mature. The area enlarges and becomes dry,
sunken, flattened, brown to black, and papery or leathery (see illustration).
The veins may show through the lesions as black lines. When the disease
is severe, 560 percent or more of the tomato may be affected. There is
no soft rotting of the fruit unless the affected areas are invaded by
secondary decay fungi and bacteria. Affected fruits usually ripen earlier
than healthy ones.
Predisposing Factors
Conditions favoring blossom-end rot also favor noninfectious
leaf roll. Blossom-end rot is most common when there are: 1) prolonged
dry periods; 2) frequent or heavy rains followed by an extended period
of dry weather; 3) soil conditions unfavorable for uptake of calcium;
4) excessive soil salinity; and, 4) root damage from infectious diseases.
Other factors favoring blossom-end rot include early planting in cold
soils, poor fruit setting, and high temperatures. Any condition that reduces
the ability of the roots to absorb water and, hence, soluble calcium salts
predisposes the plant to blossom-end rot. Some factors that could affect
the roots are root-rotting fungi, nematodes, underwatering, overfertilizing,
root pruning due to cultivation or insect feeding, and lack of aeration
due to soil compaction or overwatering. Losses from blossom-end rot increase
when the soil contains an excess of total soluble salts in relation to
soluble calcium salts. An excess of soluble ammonium, potassium, magnesium,
or sodium salts reduces calcium uptake by the plant. Blossom end rot is
rarely a problem in soils where calcium is available in proper balance
with other available nutrients. Sometimes rapid luxuriant plant growth
accentuates development of the disorder, because the new growth draws
heavily on the available supply of calcium in the soil. Calcium is not
translocated within the plant from older to younger tissues. Therefore,
injury may appear on the blossom end of the young fruit, which is especially
sensitive to a lack of calcium. Some tomato varieties are much more susceptible
to blossom-end rot than others (see Table 1). Generally, elongated pear
and plum tomatoes used for processing and canning are prone to this disorder.
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Figure 1.
Blossom-end rot of tomato.
Table 1: Incidence of some tomato varieties
to blossom-end rot grown at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center under
Low Incidence
High Incidence
Losses less than 10% in
severe years |
Losses of 15 to 30% or more
in severe years |
Celebrity |
Big Boy |
Fresh Pak |
Castle King |
Jet Star |
Fantastic |
Manapal |
Independence |
Mountain Pride |
Supersonic |
Pik Red |
Surprise |
Sunny |
Whopper |
Winter |
Wonder Boy |
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Grow tomatoes in well-drained soil high in organic
matter with a soil reaction (pH) between 6.5 and 7.5.
Apply fertilizer and lime according to a soil
test. The balance of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium with calcium
is very important. Avoid excessive use of commercial fertilizers containing
large amounts of ammonia or nitrate nitrogen and highly soluble potassium,
magnesium, or sodium salts. A light application (50 pounds per 1,000
square feet) of dolomitic limestone, gypsum, super phosphate, or hydrated
lime (household or builder’s lime) may be worked into the soil
to a depth of 4 to 6 inches before planting. In home gardens, mixing
a tablespoon of hydrated lime with the soil before setting a tomato
(or pepper) transplant has given satisfactory control.
When practical, grow varieties that are less susceptible
to blossom-end rot. Although there seems to be no clear-cut line between
resistant and susceptible varieties, some varieties have consistently
exhibited some degree of resistance (Table 1). In variety trials at
the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, conducted by J. W. Courter,
losses from blossom-end rot have varied widely among different varieties
and from year to year. In one year, losses were as high as 70 percent
of all fruit on an individual variety. The most significant factor
influencing blossom-end rot in field trials, other than varietal susceptibility,
seems to be rainfall. Average losses were greatly reduced when greater
than normal amounts of rainfall occurred during the ripening period;
regardless of the moisture conditions prior to this period.
Avoid close, deep cultivation after fruit set,
especially in dry weather. Scraping the oil lightly with a hoe is
usually sufficient to control weeds in the home garden.
Maintain as uniform a supply of soil moisture
as possible. During the growing season, especially as the fruit is
developing, tomatoes require at least 1 inch of water per week, supplied
as rainfall or irrigation. Watering with a soaker hose is preferable
in the home garden. Do not let the plants undergo moisture stress.
Mulching tomatoes helps to conserve moisture in
the soil. Suitable materials are straw free of weed seed, corncobs,
grass clippings, peat moss, and black plastic.
Transplants should be grown slowly and not hardened-off
severely before going into the field or garden.
Spraying calcium nitrate solution (4 pounds dissolved
in 100 gallons of water or 1 level tablespoon in a gallon of water)
on the foliage may reduce losses under favorable weather conditions.
Apply the spray when the first fruits are the size of grapes. Continue
at weekly intervals until at least four applications have been made.
This places calcium directly where it is most needed. Foliar applications
of calcium, however, are not a substitute for proper soil treatment
before planting for maintaining an adequate supply of calcium. Foliar
applications can only supplement soil calcium during unfavorable periods.
Calcium deficiency is not a problem in greenhouse
tomatoes if limestone is added in amounts large enough to maintain
a pH of 6.8 to 7.0. The soil calcium level should range from 150 to
200 parts per million (ppm). Greenhouse tomato growers with a blossom-end
rot problem may apply calcium to the growing crop by side-dressing
with 50 pounds of gypsum or 6.5 pounds of calcium nitrate per 1,000
square feet. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen in the ammonium
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Information concerning insecticides, weed control, varieties, and other recommendations
can be found in the Illinois Homeowners' Guide to Pest Management, available
at your nearest Extension office.